[2016] One Year Blogiverssary!


Wow it’s ‘Thinkdigest’ very first anniversary! I can not believe that thinkdigest is one year old today! I am so excited about how far thinkdigest has come and where it will be going in the future.

I started this blog a year ago as a way to help my writing journey, test how well I’d fare in the blogging world and reach out the more. The results? amazing. I could not be more excited to celebrate my first year in the blogosphere. I have learned so much over the past year, and I am very thankful for the experience. I have met and connected with so many awesome, wonderful, amazing and supportive people both off and Online. Cant forget my very first post! Loking back at it, I notice the change in a whole lot of things –structure, style and more. I’m so freaking happy and thankful to you all from my very first few followers and subscribers to the amazing list I now have.
It’s been one heck of a journey.

I will like to share with you some of the things that I have learned from my first year in blogging.

  1. Never compare with anyone
    I’ve learned to just go with it and not compare myself and my numbers to those of anyone else out there because that can lead to a very quick downward spiral. In the end it is the readers’ feedback that count, and if you like what I do, I’m more than happy.

  2. Originality is a must when you become a blogger.
    Be original and stay true to who you are. There are tons of blogger out there, but what makes you original is the way you project your personality. I do get inspired by other bloggers, but in the end, I always try to portray my own style.

  3. Be open to argument no matter how they come.
    Unfortunately, not everybody is going to like what you do or your style. And that is okay! I believe that “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” meaning that where you see the beauty not everybody is going to see it, and that’s fine. I have accepted the fact that critics must be welcomed, and that they help you grow.

  4. Building up an audience takes a lot of time but as long as you keep doing your best, improving your styles and staying true to yourself, they just buiid up overtime. Thankful even with the little I have.
  5. Having a mission statement is very important which could serve as a great motivating factor when the numbers are dwindling.

I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for each and every one of you. You all inspire me to be the best that I can be while remaining true to myself. I am so thankful to have such compassionate and supportive readers. Thank you for the kind words, your support, comments, likes, shares and your encouragement, and a special thanks to the following people, who have been one of my great source of motivation. Can’t forget this amazing people who have not just amazed me with their amazing posts, but have also contributed to my growth during my journey.
Here goes in no particular order:

My confidence coach and mentor, Nicia Cruz of RRRepeat she’s got the antidote to an attitude of feeling low. Her amazing storylines will want to make you join her circle and share stories that touches the sky. She’s just cheer leading hero.

My Gratitude chef, Deb of OnceUponAhotFlash; when you think you’ve got nothing to be thankful for, after visiting her embryonic space you’d be amazed with the things you can be thankful for.

My Z3n Mom3nt Master, the hand behind the beautiful blog, Lay3rs of Z3n Blog (loving how she play with words); her blog is just filled with amazing storylines, inspirations both crazy and thought-provoking ones.

Dehan of DehanTaylor; Feeling low? Dehan can help you out! She’s my go go kinda person!

The AlluringEby of Stlh2oo. She’s got ’em all. Adventure, motivating, though- provoking and fun pieces. She’s just so alluring.

Nisthur of PoemHobby. Don’t think it must be an article that just inspires. Just a simple 6 or less worded sentence can do the trick. His poems are quite unique.

And the biggest special thanks goes to YOU reading this, for being part of this growth! A hearty thank you from the depth of my heart!!

Have an awesome new month.

Published by Precious George

Hello. My name's Precious Kc George. A product of the '90's. I'm living, learning and leading. I'm a writer who always look at the bright side of things despite my skanky and painful days. A student, Entrepreneur, Introvert and an avid learner. I love listening to music. I express my musings in words with a passion for world change. If drinking tea a lot is an addiction, i sure am a tea addict. In my spare time, I love singing, writing, sports, watching movies and oh yes also love to keep my two-eyed balls on a good book.

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  1. Awww…Happy blogiverssary and I will be here with you for the next and the next and the next, God’s willing!
    I’m so happy to know that I’m your “go go kinda person,” and I was so surprise when I saw my name, thank you, you made me smile.
    Wishing you all the best as you continue your journey…

    Liked by 2 people

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