Take your stand! Many things do happen to make you lose focus in pursuit of your vision. Adversity of life come your way to make you stop believing in
yourself and what you can do. Things happen that leave you battered and tattered. Your
relationship, business, personal life get attacked and it seems all hope is gone. Know that what
you do when you are exhausted is what really matters. Believing in yourself that you can still be an
inspiration to many people is important. How you handle your bad situations now will
determine how successful you will be in the future. Your challenges are there to leave you with a life changing experience. Utilise the experience to climb up the ladder to your greatness. Learn to apply the same enthusiasm you apply in solving your problems to pursuing your dreams. Determine to live out your purpose in life. It is possible! How you present yourself is how people will accept you. Show your true potential to the world. You deserve greatness. You deserve the best in life.

Published by Precious George

Hello. My name's Precious Kc George. A product of the '90's. I'm living, learning and leading. I'm a writer who always look at the bright side of things despite my skanky and painful days. A student, Entrepreneur, Introvert and an avid learner. I love listening to music. I express my musings in words with a passion for world change. If drinking tea a lot is an addiction, i sure am a tea addict. In my spare time, I love singing, writing, sports, watching movies and oh yes also love to keep my two-eyed balls on a good book.

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